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Home News Newsflashes Totem - a Viennese classic!

Totem - a Viennese classic!

Unfortunately, I never bouldered too much at the spots around vienna. This may though, I went up to the old ruin of Merkenstein in lower Austria.

I've walked by Totem, 8a before, in the late nineties and since I just haven't made it back there. That's why I was super-psyched when my friend Berni and I got to the spot and saw that the problem was dry! Well... at least climbable.

I got confused with the foot beta during my flash attempt and fell off. After looking at the smooth bulge for a few minutes Berni and I found a good solution and the second attempt went well.

I've talked to some of the locals and they said that the last move is usually a sketchy dynamic throw into a good pocket. This felt very insecure tome and I am glad I found a static solution.

Maybe someone finds my beta useful. Here is a video of my send!



Umfrage: your vision!