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Home News Notification Vienna Bouldering Videos

Vienna Bouldering Videos

So, when I looked through my archive of recent bouldering vids I came across a few small clips that might be of interest for those who boulder in the area around Vienna. Unfortunately the quality of the vids is not the greatest, but hey, it’s good enough to show the solution.

The first video features a problem called Chalk House, 7c+.

I went out the previous night, that's why I am still wearing this ridiculous shirt, and maybe that's why I messed up the flash attempt. But, I guess that's just a lame excuse. The reality is, that it's hard, so after all I was quite happy about the quick send. Oh, and the video was shot on Berni's cellphone, so never mind the bad quality.

The second video is one about Fixe Anstellung, 7c+ at the Hirschwände.

Originally rated 8a/+ "Fixe Anstellung" used to be one of the harder problems around Vienna. After having seen a few quick ascents its grade dropped to something around 7c+. A low angle problem on small slopy holds! Thanks to Flori who gave me the beta and made the flash ascent possible!

Then there is a 7b+ called Vego Knakworst. Funny name, but cool problem!

Speaking of the Hirschwände, I might as well mention that I got the chance to put a really nice moderate problem around the corner to the left of Fixe Anstellung. I called it Psychopathische Frauengeschichten and I think it’s something around 7a+. Here is a pic of Flori Wenter in this new, fun line:

Last but not least I got some more moderate stuff:

Die Antwort, 7b+, in my opinion is one of the best problems at Merkenstein! Then I climbed an eliminate problem just to the right of Base Jumper, in the Totem Sector of Merkenstein. Who knows, maybe it was a first ascent, but for sure a fun 7a+ that I refer to as Warmup Variation.

Above: Die Antwort, 7b+. Bellow: Warmup Variation, roughly 7a+. Note that I don't traverse left into the jugs but swith my left hand into the undercling (crux) making it a more direct line.



Umfrage: your vision!