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Home News Infos Nashorn aka Vendetta

Nashorn aka Vendetta

Too cold to boulder? Not if you ask a guy spending most of his time doing a desk-job! So we headed out to the Bucklige Welt last Saturday to touch some rock when the thermometer showed -10°C!

Bucklige Welt? Oh yes, some of you (at least the Austrian readers) might remember: Bucklige Welt, that‘s somewhere south or southwest of Vienna. Despite the funny name and the fact that there isn‘t much rock, the few boulders there are contain some great lines on pocketed limestone!


[Wondering of my fingers might freeze to the rock...]

I had already heard about this place, when I got to see one of my favourite bouldering videos of all times. (Sorry Tommy, but I just think it is insanely funny…)

Anyways, this time Berni guided me to the boulders and showed me a very nice looking problem called Nashorn, which means The Rhino. Some people also call it Vendetta, and the grade seems to vary from 7c+ (for the tall) to 8a, but who knows…


[Berni catching the last sunlight of the day on his first attempt]

Berni’s solution seemed great, but the main problem was to get the fingers warm. After warming up a little bit doing each move oft he problem, the first attempt went well! Thanks for the beta and thanks girls for hangin' in there in the cold!

[The first long reach for the sidepull-pocket]

[For a second I thought I might fins some footholds...]

[... but there are none! (As you can also see on the video)]

[On my way back home. What a pretty landscape!]


Umfrage: your vision!